Friday, April 16, 2010


The past 3 weeks have been packed full of Spring Break Vacationers in my home, the upside of living near a beautiful beach, and the downside of finding time to write. However, family and friends are the joy of my life, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. My fingers have been itching to write and catch up on good news and what's happening in the cyber world of writers and agents and those offering free, helpful advice.

Thank you for the wonderful advice you all have to offer. I feel the world is smaller now that we can share our knowledge with one another. All you cyber friends out there, it is a pleasure to get to know each of you. I don't feel so all alone now that you are out there.

Writing is a wonderful opportunity to offer what we know and to take one another on a pleasurable journey into another world away from all the doldroms of our exciting lives that are packed full of too much mundane, daily routines.

The world is full of excitement and you have definitely changed my life. Now, when I get rich, I'll go out there and live what I have learned and seen. I want to experience this journey, not just read about it, or just write about it.

Where are those dang time machines, or that secret formula to immortality? I don't want to sleep. I don't want to have to be bothered with food or drink. I want to live in this world and enjoy all its beauty, and experience all it has to offer that is good and wholesome and happy. I want to meet all people and learn from their cultures and differences and enjoy the journey that has been alotted my mere, feeble existance. I guess I'll go to Barnes and Nobles today, or the library. Have a wonderful day writing everyone. See you on the net, or in your books.

If you have any comments come on BRING IT TO THE TABLE. I welcome your friendships and your expertise.

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