Thursday, April 29, 2010


Check out Nathan Bransford Literary Agent. He has a wonderful blog and teaches the art of getting published; what it takes; how to write a query letter; and the first five pages.

I am polishing my query letter this week, working on tweaking those first five pages and searching for agents. I am also writing, writing, writing. The fun part of all of this is the writing part. Sometimes, I would love to hide on a mountainside, or a remote beach for a year and create.

My thanks go out to Nathan Bransford for his caring personality to keep us informed about the publishing industry and what it takes to make it in this industry. It is not easy by a longshot, but it can be rewarding when it begins to happen.

I would also like to thank Randy Ingermansen and Chuck Sambuchino for all of their great expertise and advice to help writers like myself learn the ropes. Your information has been invaluable.

Other than the wonderful sites and great books on the industry, I am grateful for this day in age where there is such easy access for research to provide the helpful information needed to write the novel.

It is a much smaller world than we realize thanks to computers and all the brilliant minds out there.

So I guess today is a Thank You Day. No need for comments today unless you have something you want to BRING TO THE TABLE. Have a great weekend.

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