Saturday, August 14, 2010


Wow, I made it home.  I'm alive and kicking, and still smiling after babysitting six grandbabies.  What a week, but I loved every minute of it.  Can't get those moments back now, so I enjoyed every minute I had, even the exhausting moments I didn't think I would survive.

More exciting news, I've been accepted with a publishing company and will be on the market by next December.  Certainly my work is cut out for me, but I am so excited.  Now, the journey begins.

Thank you to all of those who supported me through the writing process.  Thank you for the moral support, for the hours of listening when I was so excited, for reading through my endless rewrites, and for your input.  Thank you my dearest sweet husband for your love and encouragement through all of it.  Thank you to my dearest friends and my family.  Especially thanks to my dearest Abigail for letting me read you to sleep via the telephone every night until the book was completed.

Thank you for all of your compliments and love.  I love each of you and appreciate all you have done.  Thanks Sunnie for giving me this opportunity and for your encouragement.

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