Monday, January 2, 2012

Hello Everyone:

Welcome to the New Year.  Hope everyone has had a wonderul New Year celebration with family and friends near.  Mine is starting off with a wonderful gift from my children and husband, a terrible head cold.  I am achy, my head feels like it is 5 times it's normal size, and throbs constantly.  Other than that, I am great.  We fixed our New Year's dinner today as I was too sick on New Years Day.  

Good news, my book will be out soon on Amazon, Kindle and Barnes & Noble.  The actual date hasn't been nailed down, but I will know more shortly.  The holidays have slowed the process, but things are coming along great.  What a journey!

If you are thinking of writing a book, I say stop thinking and DO IT.  If you are thinking of getting one published, I say stop thinking and FIND A WAY. 

My folks always said, "Where there is a will, there is a way." 

I've always lived by that saying, and added to it, "If you want something bad enough, you will find a way to get it."

So go for the gold, and make this New Year the year that all things are possible, if you believe.

Happy New Years my friends, and wishing you all the best ever for the future.

1 comment:

Debbie G. said...

Glad u are feeling better..loved your words to everyone for the new year! Excited about reading your book...The Veil....