Sunday, April 4, 2010


Bringing it to the table has always been a great opportunity to discuss issues of importance and bring ourselves uptodate to the things that are going on around us. It brings families and friends closer together.

Last week we discussed the changing times, and that we have the opportunity to change with the times. We also discussed doing what is right and necessary to stay on top of the publishing industry, and learning the ropes through blogs from literary agents, to books of instruction, and via the internet, and if your lucky enough to know an author/professor or teacher who has the experience to lead you in the right direction, and of course through college or creative writing classes.

As we listen to the stories of the e-publishing and the traditional publishing and the self-publishing methods, and the successes and failures of all three, we come to better understand the possiblities that are afforded us during these trying times.

Before it was not so smart to go with the vanity form of publishing, yet now it doesn't seem to be such a bad idea in some cases according to certain literary agents. I feel that we should endure and take a good long look at our written manuscripts and be willing to perfect it or diss it. Have the courage to look hard at your writing and figure out what it needs to become the top of the line, A-number-one, best seller.

While you are working on your favorite novel and tweaking it, start another and maybe another. Try your hand at short stories or publish a poem. Maybe your interest is in journal writing. Submit articles to newspapers. Whatever it takes to begin your journey of writing to be recognized by the publishing industry, to show your seriousness in the business.

Write, write, write until your heart's content. Be happy in what you do, or you will not succeed in what you do. Success is achieved by diligence, and hard work and lots of prayer and finding joy in your journey as you do it. So it is my prayer to you that you find your way and write with success and happiness. Happy Easter everyone.


MOLLYC said...

Saw you on Twitter. I am a humor writer; visit my blog at
I won second place in the 2010 Erma Bombeck writing competition for Dayton writers.

Unknown said...

Hi Molly: I certainly enjoyed your blog, and I have a lot to learn about blogging. I'm just jumping on the bandwagon, and my knowledge and expertise is just in amoeba form.

I have time now with all of my children gone.

Thanks for your follow and enjoy your journey in writing.

Kathy Collier-Mehl