Sunday, July 4, 2010


Howdy friends, I'm back from the great state of Texas. Had a very eventful two weeks. Found a beautiful wedding gown for my youngest daughter and took my oldest daughter to the hospital with a mild heart attack. What a scare that was. I am grateful to tell you both are doing well, and are happy. The youngest is recuperating from a long drive from Idaho, and the eldest daughter is recuperating from the heart attack.

Now I have been out of the loop on the writing for two weeks, which seems like eons. I am excited to be back and writing again, even though our home is bursting from the seams with people. I have found a corner in the house I can go and find quiet and solitude to write and to think. I love those precious, quiet moments to recoup and regroup.

"The Veil" is coming along and improving each day, and I am learning great things like starting a story in the right place and weaving the important details about the characters slowly within the important scenes, and getting to the meat and potatoes without using the first 30 pages to describe the characters. It is important to start with the actual story, and write in with back story, thus saving you a lot of heartache from being rejected by agents.

Learning to write requires a lot of study. Doing it right requires paying attention to what the agents are teaching us. There is so much information out there that will save us lot of time and effort. Thank you to all the agents who keep us informed. I love your Blogs, Kristen Nelson, Nathan Bransford, and many others. Thank you for your great lessons in writing.

If you have any comments come on, don't be shy, BRING IT TO THE TABLE. See you at the top. The ladder to success requires a lot of helping hands.

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